Our City Ratings program analyzes the detail of every street, trail, and bike lane in your community to understand how easy it is to ride your bike comfortably and get to the places you want to go. Once we’re able to assess the quality of your community’s bike network, we can recommend strategies that will raise your City Ratings score.
The PlacesForBikes City Ratings program is a data-driven approach to evaluate, identify and compare the best global cities and towns for bicycling.
More people riding bicycles creates stronger, safer and healthier communities. The key to getting more people biking is to provide safe, convenient and attractive places to ride.
This info brief provides a concise summary of current practice and key resources for those interested in starting, expanding or maintaining bicycle and pedestrian count programs.
Around the start of this decade, Memphis’s public experiments were making its streets maybe the most interesting in the United States.
Questions? We have answers.